
m (pl -ri) tertiary sector, services pl
* * *
terziario agg. tertiary (anche chim. ); (geol.) era terziaria, Tertiary period; (econ.) settore terziario, tertiary sector; (Borsa) mercato terziario, tertiary (o third) market
1 (geol., eccl.) tertiary
2 (econ.) tertiary industry, service industry, service (s) sector: terziario avanzato, high value-added service industry.
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[ter'tsjarjo] terziario -ria, -ri, -rie
1. agg
Geol, Econ tertiary
2. sm
1) Geol tertiary period
2) Econ tertiary o service sector
3. sm/f
Rel tertiary
* * *
pl. -ri, -rie [ter'tsjario, ri, rje] aggettivo tertiary (anche geol. med.)

settore terziario — tertiary o service sector

sostantivo maschile
1) econ. tertiary sector, service industry, service sector
2) relig. tertiary
* * *
pl. -ri, -rie /ter'tsjario, ri, rje/
I aggettivo
 tertiary (anche geol. med.); settore terziario tertiary o service sector
II sostantivo maschile
 1 econ. tertiary sector, service industry, service sector
 2 relig. tertiary.

Dizionario Italiano-Inglese. 2013.

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